Difference between `quick' and `autorefresh'

Tim Kroeger Tim.Kroeger at th-nuernberg.de
Wed Dec 18 10:17:25 UTC 2013

As far as I understand it (which might not be much, because I am also 
"just a user"), the flags mean the following:

 	autorefresh = 2.5

means that every 2.5 minutes (i.e. every 150 seconds) an update is 

 	quick = 5

means that 5 quick updates are performed between two consecutive full 
updates.  Quick updates are faster than full updates, but do not 
recognize certain types of changes.

Both flags togehter would hence mean that a full update is only 
performed every 15 minutes (because 2.5*(5+1)=15).  In other words, 
after a full update, you would get 5 quick updates in intervals of 2.5 
minutes each, and the sixth update is again a full update.

You can say

 	quick = 0

if you want every update to be full, or

 	quick = -1

if you want only quick updates.

Best Regards,


On Wed, 18 Dec 2013, Rob Stewart wrote:

> Hi,
> I am looking online for offlineimap documentation about two flags,
> `quick` and `autorefresh', but cannot find what I am looking for. My
> questions are:
> 1. What is the difference between the two flags?
> 2. What is the units? Seconds.. minutes?
> Take this example:
> [Repository Remote]
> type = IMAP
> remoteuser = me at bar.co.uk
> remotehost = localhost
> remotepass = foo
> autorefresh = 1
> quick = 2
> What will `quick' do (every 2 minutes?) ? What will `autorefresh' do
> (every 1 minute?) ?
> Better still, could someone point me to the documentation that makes
> this distinction?
> Thanks,
> --
> Rob
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Prof. Dr. Tim Kröger
Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm
Keßlerplatz 12, Raum KA.208                tim.kroeger at th-nuernberg.de
90489 Nürnberg                                 Phone +49-911-5880-1871
Germany                                        Fax   +49-911-5880-5800

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