blinkenlights on 6.3.4 vs. 6.5.4

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Mon Feb 18 09:27:20 UTC 2013

On 02/04/2013 05:05 AM, Mandar Mitra wrote:
> I've noticed the following two minor problems with the blinkenlights UI
> for 6.5.4 because of which I'm happily sticking to 6.3.4 on the 4-5
> machines where I run OI.
> 1. Response to q or control-C is much slower on 6.5.4. Sometimes it
>    seems not to respond to anything except control-Z. 

Hi there,

this is kind of intentional. Previously ctrl-c would simply kill the
main thread, leaving intermediary files and transfer at undefined states
behind. (often it would refuse to quit as the threaded imaplib2 was
blocking). Now, ctrl-c raises a flag and the operations abort cleanly.
Of course, that could mean that it continues to transfer a message etc...

Either there need to be more ctrl-c breakpoints, or some more brutal way
to terminate offlineimap needs to reinstated.


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