It's RC time? v6.5.5-rc3

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Tue Jul 16 11:16:48 UTC 2013

Am 10.07.2013 03:56, schrieb Dmitrijs Ledkovs:
> I thinking to:
> * merge up a few github pull requests (the obvious ones)
> * push what's currently in next to master.
> * tag it and make v6.5.5-rc3
> It would be very nice to find & squash memory leak:
> I'm not sure I quite understand the difference between next & master branches.
> Anyone has a clue what's in "pu" branch? should it be merged into next/master?

Hi Dmitrijs,

the pu branch contained experimental staff that might or might not be 
merged at some point or that contained a feature that was useful for 
some. I would not merge it.

The master branch used to contain the latest release and the next branch 
contained the stuff that would lead to the next release. But that is 
only by convention and up to the project maintainer to decide how they 
want to organize things.


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