offlineimap and evolution

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir at
Tue Mar 19 11:22:47 GMT 2013


I'm trying to use Evolution with offlineimap.

The problem is that I can't get them to agree they on names of folders:

My configuration is:

accounts = lemon

[Account lemon]
localrepository = Local
remoterepository = Remote-lemon

[Repository Local]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/Mail
#sep = "/"
#sep = "."

[Repository Remote-lemon]
type = IMAP
remotehost = lemon
remoteuser = 
preauthtunnel = ssh -q lemon '/usr/local/bin/imap-local'

Evolution is configured to use ~/Mail as a local Maildir. Both are from
Debian Wheezy:

evolution      3.4.4-2
offlineimap    6.3.4-1

1. The INBOX is copied by offlineimap to ~/Mail/INBOX . Evolution
expects to find it directly under ~/Mail. Workaround: three symlinks.

2. Evolution expects to find mail folder foo as ~/Mail/.foo .
offlineimap places it as ~/Mail/foo . From what I saw in a brief look at
offlineimap this is not configurable (and the behaviour of evolution is
not configurable either).

I can symlink here as well, I guess, but I'll forget to do it at some
point after adding a folder. Any better way?

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzafrir at | VIM is |                    | a Mutt's
tzafrir at |                    |  best
tzafrir at    |                    | friend

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