Gmail, Duplicate Messages, All Mail and deletion problem

Tomasz Żok tomasz.zok at
Tue May 7 14:25:51 UTC 2013

Dear Geoff,

On 05/07/13 at 03:12pm, Geoffrey Ferrari wrote:
> 1) What is the correct way to delete messages from the All Mail folder?
> Should I just delete the local file in the All Mail folder? Move the local
> file to the Bin folder? Leave the original local file in All but copy it to
> the Bin folder? Something else?

Quote from
    Do not save deleted messages to your [Gmail]/All Mail folder as some
    clients will try to empty this folder and ultimately fail.

IIRC, When you use OfflineIMAP and delete from local folder synced to
[Gmail]/All Mail, this is the equivalent of the situation described by -> it does not work due to how Gmail treats All Mail.

You should delete the message in [Gmail]/INBOX, then after synchronization it
will be propagated and the message will disappear in [Gmail]/All Mail as well.


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