Mulitple accounts get messed up

gloriphobia gloriphobia at
Sun Apr 13 09:33:16 BST 2014

This response is coming about 3 years too late! You've probably already
worked it out. 

The solution is to declare the local folders, checkout this resource for a
rather good walkthrough of setting up offlineimap:

So you need to add the following line into your local repository config, i.e.:
> [Repository LocalAC1]
> type = IMAP
> preauthtunnel = /usr/sbin/dovecot --exec-mail imap
> remotehost = localhost
> port = 143
> remoteuser = my-username
should be configured as 

[Repository AC1_local]
localfolder = ~/.mail/AC1
and all the other stuff you need

and similarly
> [Repository LocalAC2]
> type = IMAP
> preauthtunnel = /usr/sbin/dovecot --exec-mail imap
> remotehost = localhost
> port = 143
> remoteuser = my-username
should be configured as
[Repository AC2_local]
localfolder = ~/.mail/AC2
and all the other stuff you need

or something like that!


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