
Peter P. p8rpp at aol.com
Thu Apr 24 18:47:12 BST 2014

Hi list,

(please CC me on any replies, as I am currently not yet subscribed)

I run offlineimap on a respberry Pi which has quite little memory.
Recently I started getting an error:

DEBUG[thread]: Register new thread 'Copy message 13400 from
INBOX.Sent' (account 'testmail')
WARNING: ERROR attempting to copy message 13400 for account
testmail:Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/offlineimap/folder/Base.py", line
250, in copymessageto
    message = self.getmessage(uid)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/offlineimap/folder/IMAP.py", line
205, in getmessage
    res_type, data = imapobj.uid('fetch', str(uid), '(BODY.PEEK[])')
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/offlineimap/imaplib2.py", line
1110, in uid
    return self._simple_command('UID', command, *args, **kw)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/offlineimap/imaplib2.py", line
1549, in _simple_command
    return self._command_complete(self._command(name, *args), kw)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/offlineimap/imaplib2.py", line
1310, in _command_complete
    typ, dat = rqb.get_response('command: %s => %%s' % rqb.name)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/offlineimap/imaplib2.py", line
172, in get_response
    raise typ(exc_fmt % str(val))
error: command: UID => program error: <type 'exceptions.MemoryError'>

Offlineimap then tries to carry on with the next message:

DEBUG[thread]: Register new thread 'Copy message 13401 from
INBOX.Sent' (account 'testmail')

It would eventually fail again, and retry with 13402. 

During its operation, free memory would be down to about 20MB, swap
down to 16MB.

This is with Python 2.7.3, offlineimap 6.3.4-1 from Debian's packages.
Thought it might be worth having a try with a later python version:

Was trying to make it use pyhon 3.2 by changing the symlink to in
/usr/bin accordingly. Offlineimap then complained to not find the
import module:
ImportError: No module named offlineimap
because that one would sit inside /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7

I then symlinked that directory to /usr/lib/pymodules/python3.2 but it
didn't help.

I am stuck here with that main memory problem described above. I'd be
so happy to hear any suggestions. Please do not forget to CC me in
your replies, thanks!

best, P

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