problem resolving host when changing wifi network

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at
Mon Feb 3 22:04:55 GMT 2014

On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 05:14:10PM -0600, Tjaart van der Walt wrote:
> Hi,
> I take my laptop to work everyday, so I switch between my wifi
> connection at home, and the one at work. Most of the time after I get to
> the other side I get the following error from offlineimap:
> ERROR: Could not resolve name '' for repository 'xxx-remote'. Make sure you have configured the server name correctly and that you are online.
> However when I try to debug, I find that I can ping the mail server:
> ping
> PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
> 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=47 time=27.5 ms

It looks like the program instance keeps the old server (I suspect it
takes the local DHCP router) for name resolution. Do you manually or
programatically start a new instance of offlineimap once the media has

You might want to add a static public nameserver to the network
configuration of the system.

> This is rather bad, because if I run offlineimap using systemd I am not 
> aware of this problem, and I receive no new mail.

I would make the service to depend on the network service so it can be
restarted on each reconnection.

journalctl might help you to track the offlineimap state.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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