Every sync takes 10 minutes due to many messages missing from remote

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Thu Jan 23 16:14:25 UTC 2014

On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 12:42:05AM -0700, Tree House wrote:
>    I spent hours looking into why OfflineIMAP wasn't running my
>    postsynchook, which is just a basic bash script that invokes
>    notify-send. When I saw an email appear in my inbox, I wondered why I
>    never saw my notification.
>    I ran offlineimap from the command line and watched its output. It kept
>    trying to copy Calendar messages (about 150 of them), but I kept seeing
>    the following error: "ERROR: IMAP server 'remote' does not have a
>    message with UID '[...]'". After the last Calendar message was
>    processed, the next autorefresh would kick off a minute later, and the
>    cycle would start all over again.
>    I finally saw my postsynchook run after the 10 minute sync.
>    What can I do? Why does OfflineIMAP constantly try to copy Calendar
>    messages (from a remote Office 365 Exchange server) that don't exist?
>    Even running with "quick = -1" (always quick) doesn't help. The sync
>    still took 7 minutes. I only have about 1000 emails and just the
>    standard mailboxes (inbox, sent, drafts, etc.). No new mail was
>    received during any syncs, so I'm surprised syncs are taking so long.

You should try to folderfilter the Calendar folder:


IMAP server often use IMAP folders to store data for non-mail stuff. It
is usefull to filter them.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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