Help connecting to iCloud

Jamie Allen jsdckr at
Sat Jan 4 11:36:03 GMT 2014

Warmest greetings to you

I wonder if anyone is successfully using offlineimap to connect to Apple's icloud service on

My login fails to authenticate, and I have not been able to find any advice on this specific situation. Please excuse my ignorance. 

I'm running offlineimap on a Mac OS X 10.9, and am successfully downloading from gmail. However, icloud gives the following :

> ERROR: Exceptions occurred during the run!
>  ERROR: All authentication types failed:
>         PLAIN: [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Authentication failed
>         LOGIN: command: LOGIN => socket error: <type 'exceptions.IOError'> - Too many read 0

also :-

> [imap]:   52:29.20 Account sync home CAPABILITY: ('ST11P00MM-ISCREAM002', '1U25', 'XAPPLEPUSHSERVICE', 'IMAP4', 'IMAP4REV1', 'SASL-IR', 'AUTH=ATOKEN', 'AUTH=PLAIN')
>  [imap]:   52:29.20 Account sync home [sync] AUTHENTICATE ('PLAIN',)
>  [imap]:   52:32.91 handler NO response: [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Authentication failed

Here is the relevant section of .offlineimaprc :

> remotehost =
> # remotehost =
> remoteuser = xxx
> # remotepass = xxxx
> type = IMAP
> ssl = yes
> cert_fingerprint = 13db1ba7073b75443c52a14c3bae0cc9d478567c

How can I configure offlineimap to authenticate in one of the ways icloud accepts (obviously although it specifies 'AUTH=PLAIN' it doesn't mean it?!)

I see that on, the account setting specifies "Apple Token" - I'm not sure what that is...., but it is presumably what is offered with 'AUTH=ATOKEN'

Any advice or help would be very very gratefully received!


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