Every sync takes 10 minutes due to many messages missing from remote

Tree House yourewatchingtreehouse at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 05:24:04 GMT 2014

Thanks, Nicolas. I've filtered that folder now, as well as other Outlook
folders not of interest to me, and that's helped.

I'm curious how I can retrieve calendar information, though, so that I can
add meeting invites to my remind calendar. The Office 365 server sends an
HTML email that simply contains a link. If I follow the link, it just takes
me to my WebMail inbox. None of the mail headers seem helpful. The
Lightning add-on for Mozilla Thunderbird is able to retrieve meeting
invitations, so there must be a way. I guess the add-on contacts the
Exchange Web Service (EWS) periodically for invitations and the email must
be useless and irrelevant.

If OfflineIMAP only syncs mail, then I'll need to look for something that
can sync my Office 365 calendar with remind, or make my own utility. I
don't want to keep missing meetings. :(

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 9:14 AM, Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
> wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 12:42:05AM -0700, Tree House wrote:
> >    I spent hours looking into why OfflineIMAP wasn't running my
> >    postsynchook, which is just a basic bash script that invokes
> >    notify-send. When I saw an email appear in my inbox, I wondered why I
> >    never saw my notification.
> >    I ran offlineimap from the command line and watched its output. It
> kept
> >    trying to copy Calendar messages (about 150 of them), but I kept
> seeing
> >    the following error: "ERROR: IMAP server 'remote' does not have a
> >    message with UID '[...]'". After the last Calendar message was
> >    processed, the next autorefresh would kick off a minute later, and the
> >    cycle would start all over again.
> >    I finally saw my postsynchook run after the 10 minute sync.
> >    What can I do? Why does OfflineIMAP constantly try to copy Calendar
> >    messages (from a remote Office 365 Exchange server) that don't exist?
> >    Even running with "quick = -1" (always quick) doesn't help. The sync
> >    still took 7 minutes. I only have about 1000 emails and just the
> >    standard mailboxes (inbox, sent, drafts, etc.). No new mail was
> >    received during any syncs, so I'm surprised syncs are taking so long.
> You should try to folderfilter the Calendar folder:
>   http://docs.offlineimap.org/en/latest/nametrans.html#folderfilter
> IMAP server often use IMAP folders to store data for non-mail stuff. It
> is usefull to filter them.
> --
> Nicolas Sebrecht
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