Syncing Replies

Eygene Ryabinkin rea at
Sun Jun 22 17:27:23 BST 2014

Colton, good day.

Sat, Jun 21, 2014 at 01:48:17PM -0400, Colton Ogden wrote:
> Is there a particular configuration setting you have to enable to
> let replies sync across email accounts? We've set up two accounts
> that can sync received emails, but replies to the original sender
> don't seem to sync as of yet.

If you replies go to the same server and they are accessible via the
same IMAP account that your received mails, than everything should
work without problems: OfflineIMAP doesn't make any distinction between
original messages and replies.

You can check if your replies are on the IMAP this way:
 - reply to some e-mail from one machine;
 - set up e-mail client on the different one;
 - receive all mails via IMAP on the second machine;
 - check if your reply is here.

There is a possibility that your replies are only stored locally.
This is a kind of weird configuration, but it is possible.

If your IMAP server has replies, but OfflineIMAP can't sync them,
it will be good to know the version of OfflineIMAP, its configuration
and the type of IMAP software used.

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