imap kewords (custom flags)

Neckbeard neckbeard at
Sat Mar 1 13:40:35 GMT 2014

christocoleman at writes:

> Agreed! It's essential for this type of feature- the user's own custom
> flags implemented as imap keywords- to respect the privacy of the
> user- none of the user's labels should ever be visible to others
> involved in email conversations.
> On Friday, February 28, 2014 10:23 PM, Jochen Schröder <cycomanic at> wrote:
>> As a side note, I think the approach of storing keywords in xattr of the
>> files is much better than the approach of adjusting the mail headers
>> (like proposed somewhere else). The problem of adding the keywords to
>> the mail is that they can leak, i.e. if I label all my bosses emails as
>> "idiot" but reply or forward one of the emails, that label is contained
>> in the mail and can be seen by my boss.

Seeing as a message might have some labels anyway, I think it would make
sense to have a hook that strips the message of any labels on

I find that having the labels in the message headers is extremely useful
because it means the labels sync across all of my machines.

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