config help please

Richard Bown richard at
Sat May 10 10:48:27 BST 2014

just started using offlineimap.
I need to backup the content of a remote imap server as the mail
provider does transfer mail when moving domains internally

my offlineimaprc looks like this

accounts = sue

[Account sue]
localrepository = Local
remoterepository = Remote

[Repository Local]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/Mail-1and1/sue

[Repository Remote]
type = IMAP
remotehost =
remoteuser = sue at
ssl = yes
port = 993

when running offlineimap
OfflineIMAP 6.5.4
  Licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ (v2 or any later version)
Account sync sue:
 *** Processing account sue
 Establishing connection to
 ERROR: Server SSL fingerprint '3635a51b03f9d6726a73bf93503438fee70de1dd' for hostname '' does not match configured fingerprint. Please verify and set 'cert_fingerprint' accordingly if not set yet.
 *** Finished account 'sue' in 0:00
ERROR: Exceptions occurred during the run!
ERROR: Server SSL fingerprint '3635a51b03f9d6726a73bf93503438fee70de1dd' for hostname '' does not match configured fingerprint. Please verify and set 'cert_fingerprint' accordingly if not set yet.

the mailer I use is claws mail , and thats happy with the ssl cert .

I've looked in the man page, but couldn't find anything helpful

what have I not done , I not sure how to verify and set the

OS details correct in sig block


Best wishes /73
Richard Bown
Email : richard at   
nil carborundum a illegitemis
Ham Call G8JVM . OS Linux Mint 16 x86_64 on a Dell Inspiron N5030 laptop
Maidenhead QRA: IO82SP38, LAT. 52 39.720' N LONG. 2 28.171 W
QRV VHF 6mtrs 200W, 4 mtrs 150W, 2mtrs 400W, 70cms 200W
Microwave 23 cms 140W, 13 cms 100W, 6 cms 0W & 3cms 5W

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