Specifying Multiple SSL Fingerprints

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at SSpaeth.de
Fri Nov 14 11:01:58 GMT 2014

To be honest, I don't see this coming. The configuration is complex
enough as it is. And given that python 2 is still extremly bad at
verifying everything SSL, I don't believe this would be worthwile
(although I can certainly feel your pain).


On 24.10.2014 13:13, Greg Headley wrote:
> All,
> I am using OfflineIMAP through Mutt for both my work and personal
> email.  On the work side, I have a frustrating issue where my SSL
> fingerprint alternates between two different strings.  This does not
> happen at any kind of regular interval, but it does happen often.
> In the deeps of some forum, I did find mention of a hotfix to allow
> specificiation of multiple fingerprints, but I cannot seem to get the
> syntax correct.  Can anyone advise?  At present I have been having to
> manually edit my dotfile every time the fingerprint switches. 
> Specifying both would be great.
> Thanks for any help.
> Cheers,
> Greg
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