offlineimap hangs, has to stopped with kill -9

Rainer M Krug Rainer at
Thu Oct 16 08:04:55 UTC 2014

Rainer M Krug <Rainer at> writes:

> Henry Gebhardt <hsggebhardt at> writes:
>> On Fri, Sep 05, 2014 at 08:06:27AM +0200, Niels Kobschätzki wrote:
>>> On Thu, Sep 4, 2014, at 21:34, Ian Kelling wrote:
>>> > I run offlineimap in a cronjob every 5 minutes, unless it is already
>>> > running. Every few days, I find the process hung. It doesn't respond
>>> > to normal kill messages, except but kill -9. So I cloned the git
>>> > repo, ran it from there, and next time it happened, I attached gdb
>>> > and did a trace.  I didn't have much time, and printed a few pages
>>> > of the call stack, assumed there was a repeating pattern then quit.
>>> > I'm going to have to add some logic to kill -9 offlineimap.
>>> > 
>>> > My os is ubuntu 14.04.
>>> > 
>>> > The stack trace is attached.
>>> > 
>>> > Any idea whats going on? Is this a bug?
>>> Unfortunately not but I have the same problem. It seems that it always
>>> occurs after the computer was suspended. Maybe a problem when
>>> offlineimap runs and exactly in that moment the computer gets
>>> suspended?
>> I observe the same. It seems to only occur with my GMail account.
> Agreed. I run offlineimap in daemon mode and on probably 50% after
> suspends, the gmail account hangs, but the other ones (iCloud and
> University) continue to sync. There is also another difference between
> the accounts, which is that the gmail account has a hook (postsynchook =
> notmuch new).
> Thinking about it, I will put the hook behind another accout and see
> what happens. 
> Also, it *seems* that the hanging mainly (only?) occurs after longer
> (overnight) suspends.
>> The other accounts finish syncing fine. Since I always start
>> offlineimap manually, I don't think it is related to suspend.
> I think it is, as it does not hang without suspend.

Any further comments on the hanging? DO you have a hook which is
probably hanging when the computer goes into suspend, and therefore the
account under offlineimap does wait indefinitely?


> Cheers,
> Rainer
>> Henry
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Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
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