SOLVED: Issues connecting to iClout IMAP server on Mavericks

Rainer M Krug Rainer at
Wed Sep 24 08:24:09 UTC 2014

This is finally solved. The problem seems to be that I was using my
email address as a password, while the remoteuser has to be the name *of
the iCloud email address* (so ThisIsTheRemoteuser at!

Then, if you are using two step authentication enabled (which one
should!) you have to create an application password and use this one.

Below please find my working configuration 

| [Repository RemoteiCloud]
| type = IMAP
| remotehost =
| port = 993
| ssl = yes
| sslcacertfile = ~/certs/Certificates.cer
| remoteuser = iCloudEmailAddressBeforeTheAt
| remotepasseval = get_keychain_pass(account="rainer.friCloudOfflineimap")

Hope this helps,


Rainer M Krug <Rainer at> writes:

> Hi
> Are there any news on the front of offlineimap and iCloud on a mac?
> I have the same problems and also attach the error log and the sections
> of the .offlieimaprc
> Any suggestions welcome,
> Rainer
> ,----
> | [Repository RemoteiCloud]
> | type = IMAP
> | remotehost =
> | port = 993
> | ssl = yes
> | sslcacertfile = ~/certs/Certificates.cer
> | remoteuser = 
> | remotepass = 
> | maxconnections = 3
> | # Add iCloud prefix when copying to local
> | nametrans = lambda foldername: 'iCloud.' + foldername
> | ######
> | ## For now:
> | readonly = true
> | createfolders = false
> | ######
> | keepalive = 60
> | holdconnectionopen = yes
> | ######
> `----
> Nathan Wertman <nwertman at> writes:
>> Hello, thank you so much for your work on offlineimap.  It is a KEY
>> part of my daily workflow.
>> I've been having issues with offlineimap connecting to the iCloud IMAP
>> server.  This issue is almost identical to this problem:
>> I, however, can't simply use a Linux box to run offlineimap like that
>> user.  I'd like to get this fixed.
>> In following the instructions on the site and attached is a debug log
>> as well as my offlineimaprc.  I've greeked out the password and all
>> other sensitive information.
>> I pulled this setup from Steve Losh's blog post:
>> (, but I've also
>> tried hard coding the password in the offlineimaprc file with no luck.
>> I still need to regress when this actually started.  I'm not sure if
>> it was when I upgraded to 10.9 or 10.9.1.  I suspect that this started
>> when I upgraded to 10.9, as was outlined by the other victim of this
>> issue.
>> Any help or guidance you can give would be appreciated...
>> Nate
>> Note: This email was regrettably sent from
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Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
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