<DKIM> Re:OfflineIMAP-project Digest, Vol 67, Issue 5

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Thu Apr 2 21:00:51 UTC 2015

On Fri, Apr 03, 2015 at 01:20:17AM +0530, Naveen Kumar wrote:
> i think this is not dovecot fault it is the mail agent which you use
> now i use roundcube and it is working perfectly fine

I hardly understand what you mean.

> my setup is
> offlineimap 6.5.7 rc3 download mails -> Dovecot ->roundcube(webmail)
> outlook and thunderbird are also take date and time correctly

If the following setup work:

  remote IMAP -> offlineimap v6.5.7-rc3 -> Maildir -> Dovecot -> outlook
  remote IMAP -> offlineimap v6.5.7-rc3 -> Maildir -> Dovecot -> thunderbird

What can we do about the failing:

  remote IMAP -> offlineimap v6.5.7-rc3 -> Maildir -> Dovecot -> roundcube(webmail)


Nicolas Sebrecht

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