<DKIM> Re:<DKIM> Yet another UID validity problem

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Fri Apr 3 08:44:40 UTC 2015

Hi Nicolas, & list,

Nikos Alexandris wrote:

>> When I remove the local folders, as per the FAQ's recommendation, 
>> then,
>> the syncing from Local to Remote just removed anything that was 
>> removed
>> locally!
>> I am trying to avoid this, until I manage to bring my  .maildir  in 
>> the
>> shape I want, by using the `readonly = true` instruction for the 
>> Remote
>> repository. I am not sure if I have done this correctly though 
>> (please,
>> see copy-paste content of my  .offlineimaprc  file which reflects my
>> current setup).

Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:

> I don't get how readonly might help you.

Doesn't this force a one-way-sync behaviour?  If I removed stuff 
locally, the instruction will say to offlineinmap "don't remove anything 
from the remote repository" (given, the instruction is fixed in the 
remote repository's section in offlineimaprc). See also: 

If yes, then, have I had this instruction when I did my mistake, the 
deletion of my mails locally wouldn't be reflected to the remote 

This is the idea; let me play locally, to bring my maildir in the shape 
I want by importing, for example, mbox files (which carry e-mails), and 
organise them in the directories (or should I say folders?) I want.

Afterwards, remove the "readonly" and let offlineimap perform a two-way 

Nicolas Sebrecht:

>> > This is not the same
>> > thing that removeing the _content_ of the directory which then 
>> will
>> > reflect the
>> > changes, IOW remove all known messages on the remote.

Nikos Alexandris:

>> I don't understand this:  if I remove a folder, using the very
>> dangerous `rm -rf`, all of its content is lost as well. Right?  
>> (Tip, I
>> have stopped using `rm -rf` and use, as much as I can, `mv stuff 
>> /tmp`).

> /tmp is a bad idea because it might be wiped on reboot.

It will be wiped on reboot. Yet, it's much more safe actually!  Instead 
of `rm -rf`, which means stuff are lost (and this is a pretty common 
mistake for beginners), one has still time to "recover" stuff from the 
/tmp (before rebooting, of course).  It usually goes like... quick 
typing `rm -rf this/dir/`, you press Enter and then you realise.. oh No! 

In addition, I use the following aliases in bash:

# Prevent accidentally clobbering files.
alias rm='rm -i'
alias cp='cp -i'
alias mv='mv -i'

> I have no idea what these "archived mbox-es" are. You'll have to 
> detail
> how you do exactly, step by step.

Importing can be done by opening an mbox file via mutt, then tag all 
files and save them in an existing folder or a new one. It's just a few 
keystrokes (<c> and <?> to navigate to a directory that contains an mbox 
file, <T> to tag, <.> dot for all opened emails, <;> and <s> to save 

>> --%<--- .offlineimaprc --%<---

> Quick reviewed.

Thank you, Nikos

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