more on maildir modification times!

Abdó Roig-Maranges abdo.roig at
Thu Apr 2 12:11:28 BST 2015


> I think we still want our faked INTERNALDATE logic for Maildir to match
> the dates and times of the remote.
> I still don't know why this 'r' prefix in "rtime" BTW. I guess it stands
> for "remote".

Ah! I think I get it now. I got the reason for rtime backwards!

> Hence, I've changed my mind. We should either fix his code not to use
> "rtime", or we revert his patch in the intend for someone using this
> feature to wake up and re-insert it properly.
> Any opinion?

I attach an untested patch fixing the utime_from_headers. I think it is
relatively painless keeping it.

Abdó Roig.

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