[PATCH] Re: properly check whether dstfolder supports labels

Abdó Roig-Maranges abdo.roig at gmail.com
Mon Apr 6 19:12:03 BST 2015

> It's straightforward enough so that I'm inclined to merge even without
> IMAP/Gmail support if the "warnings" and style issues get fixed.

IMAP/Gmail should work just fine, with a warning that local repository does not
support labels.

What it does not work is Gmail/Gmail, because GmailFolder does not have a
getmessagemtime method. I will add getmessagemtime to GmailFolder returning 0,
which is a minimal (yet somewhat ugly) fix.

> About the warnings:
> - either we fully support Gmail/IMAP and warn about that is not
>   expected
> - or we don't support Gmaild/IMAP (yet) and we should stop syncing the
>   current account.

So, if I make all combinations work, printing a warning when labels will not
work, should be fine?

A new patch is comming...


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