<DKIM> Re:[offlineimap] Duplicates of messages copied from remote to local (#174)

Peter Lewis pete at muddygoat.org
Mon Jul 20 22:52:26 BST 2015


A long time ago, in May, I described an issue I was having with
OfflineIMAP, whereby occasionally it would duplicate all the mails in
a folder, by redownloading them.

This was a recently introduced and intermittent fault (typically once
every few days), so was difficult to track down. Nicholas suggested to
try a git bisect, since it's a regression.

So, since then, I have been attempting to git bisect OfflineIMAP. I have
ended up with this commit being the culprit:


I don't know the codebase, so can't comment further, but it seems
plausible, given the commit message and a quick look at the code.

Note that this is a best guess bisect -- since the fault was
intermittent, I did a "git bisect good" after about a week of
usage of a particular version without any mail duplication.

I also noticed that it only seems to affect the Inbox of an account,
though this has been on two accounts, and this might have been

Under this email is a slimmed down version of my config, showing just
one of the affected accounts. I also took some seemingly irrelevant
things out, such as [mbnames].

Two slightly interesting things to point out from my config:

1) I use IDLE on the affected folder,
2) I use some nametrans stuff to map folder names.

Not sure if either of those should affect this.



metadata = ~/.offlineimap

accounts = Personal
ui = ttyui
ignore-readonly = no
socktimeout = 120

folderfilter = lambda accountname,foldername: not re.search('(Trash$|Archive|Queue$|Calendar$|Contacts$|Journal$|Sync$|Tasks$)', foldername)

# Accounts

[Account Personal]

localrepository = LocalPersonal
remoterepository = RemotePersonal

autorefresh = 5

[Repository LocalPersonal

type = Maildir

localfolders = ~/mail

sep = /

restoreatime = no

# Reverse nametrans (or filter them out)

# Convert local folder names to remote ones:

nametrans = lambda foldername: re.sub('^Personal '',
                            re.sub('^Personal 'INBOX', foldername))

# This puts Personal before INBOX, then removes all the Personal prefixes.

# But only sync things from the Personal account:

folderfilter = lambda foldername: re.search('^Personal foldername)

[Repository RemotePersonal

type = IMAP

remotehost = example.com

ssl = yes

remoteuser = me

preauthtunnel = ssh -q example.com 'sudo /usr/lib/dovecot/imap -u me at example.com'

########## Advanced settings

maxconnections = 1

holdconnectionopen = no

subscribedonly = no

nametrans = lambda foldername: re.sub('^Personal\.INBOX$', 'Personal',
                                re.sub('^', 'Personal.', foldername))

idlefolders = ['INBOX']

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