Email directory still empty after successful connection; force methods don't make any difference

mustermann, max bluemorpho at
Wed Jun 3 10:01:57 BST 2015


i have newly installed offlineimap, but after the first start my 
maildirectory is still empty. Furthermoore, the methods described here 
don't make any difference.

Have I forgotton something?


=> % offlineimap
OfflineIMAP 6.5.6
   Licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ (v2 or any later version)
Account sync main:
  *** Processing account main
  Establishing connection to
Enter password for account 'mainRemote':
  *** Finished account 'main' in 0:08
  Next refresh in 1.0 minutes

=> % pkill -USR1 offlineimap

=> % offlineimap -u blinkenlights
[Connection successful etablished]
[Next sync in 1:00[

1: [active]      *Control: @
0: [active]          main: @

=> % ls maildir

meine .offlineimaprc:
# Sample minimal config file.  Copy this to ~/.offlineimaprc and edit to
# get started fast.

accounts = main

[Account main]
localrepository = mainLocal
remoterepository = mainRemote
synclabels = yes
autorefresh = 1
quick = 10

[Repository mainLocal]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/maildir

[Repository mainRemote]
ssl = yes
sslcacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
type = IMAP
remotehost =
remoteuser = bluemorpho at
holdconnectionopen = yes
keepalive = 60

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