<DKIM> maxage causes loss of local email

Janna Martl janna.martl109 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 19:55:18 UTC 2015

On Tue, Mar 03, 2015 at 12:16:47PM +0100, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
>Could it be that the time reference is not the same for the local
>Maildir and the server (UTC, ...)?

Yes, this is also a problem. Apparently gmail sets timezone based on
where you signed up for the account.


My timezone is -0500, so the IMAP queries "SINCE 01-Mar-2015" are
actually asking for mails with date after Feb 28, 17:00UTC (I've
verified this using my account). The dates that end up in the filename
are of the form seconds-since-the-epoch, and Maildir.py
_iswithinmaxage() doesn't take time zone into account when calculating
when "maxage days ago" was.

-- J.M.

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