<DKIM> maxage causes loss of local email

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Tue Mar 10 10:19:52 UTC 2015

Even better,

On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 10:49:07AM +0100, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:

> What we want to do for safety is THIS.
>   Request both sides with (maxage + 1):
>     - Local (maxage + 1) returns  [A+2, B+1, Y-1     ]
>     - SINCE (maxage + 1) returns  [A+2, B+1, Y-1, Z-2]
>   First, compare UIDs and exclude messages on both sides within the
>   range [(maxage)..(maxage + 1)]:
>     - Local (maxage + 1) returns  [                  ]
>     - SINCE (maxage + 1) returns  [               Z-2]
>   AND AFTER, exclude whatever above maxage (to not get confused with
>   whatever could remain around (maxage +1): J+23, K+25, etc:
>     - Local (maxage + 1) returns  [                  ]
>     - SINCE (maxage + 1) returns  [               Z-2]
> => GOOD.

Request both sides with (maxage + 1):
  - Local (maxage + 1) returns  [A+2, B+1, Y-1     ]
  - SINCE (maxage + 1) returns  [A+2, B+1, Y-1, Z-2]
First, compare UIDs and exclude messages on both sides within the
range [(maxage)..(maxage + 1)]:
  - Local (maxage + 1) returns  [                  ]
  - SINCE (maxage + 1) returns  [               Z-2]
THEN, exclude whatever ABOVE Y-1, fallback on (maxage) if no identic
UIDs were found:
  - Local (maxage + 1) returns  [                  ]
  - SINCE (maxage + 1) returns  [               Z-2]

Nicolas Sebrecht

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