[ANNOUNCE] Re: A fresh new website in the course

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at SSpaeth.de
Mon Mar 16 19:21:15 UTC 2015

Sorry was in holidays and could only view the site on a mobile phone. Your proposal looks good, +1 from my side.


Am 11. März 2015 11:05:17 MEZ, schrieb Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net>:
>On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 09:36:05AM +0100, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
>> Hi Nicolas,
>> cool if somebody redesigns the site. I am not wedded to its design.
>It is even a design from the 70s (as am I :-)).
>Ok. To make it sure, you're talking about
>  http://offlineimap.github.io
>  http://offlineimap.github.io/offlineimap
>> But http://offlineimap.org should still be pointing to the content of
>http://offlineimap.github.io/offlineimap, right?
>Well, it's actually pointing to
>  http://offlineimap.github.io/offlineimaporg
>If you think it's good, I'd rather make it point to
>  http://offlineimap.github.io
>  http://offlineimap.github.io/offlineimap
>> I am not especially enthusiastic about projects that use the github
>page as their main entry point as github provides rather little context
>about a project...
>Let me know more about that, please. I don't get your point.
>What context?

Sent from mobile phone. Please excuse brevity.

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