<DKIM> maxage causes loss of local email

Janna Martl janna.martl109 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 1 07:02:37 GMT 2015

On Sun, Mar 01, 2015 at 01:18:16AM +0100, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
>Could you rewrite your analisys and provide more context about the
>current vs expected behaviours? Giving references to the code (methods,
>etc) might be a good starting point.

Suppose messages A and B were delivered to the remote folder maxage +
1 days ago, A was downloaded to the local folder maxage + 1 days ago,
but B was only downloaded maxage - 1 days ago (contrived scenario to
illustrate the two things that could happen). The current behavior is
that B gets deleted from the local folder, but A does not. The
expected behavior is that neither is deleted (or, at the very least,
that the deletion doesn't depend on how much later a message was

Here's how I traced through the code (all the references are to 6.5.6;
I had a brief look at 6.5.7 and don't think it changed anything I'm
talking about):

Start where __syncmessagesto_delete(self, dstfolder, statusfolder) (in
Base.py) is called where self is the remote folder and dstfolder is
the local folder. It defines deletelist to be the list of messages in
the status folder messagelist that aren't in the remote folder
messagelist ("not self.uidexists(uid)"). A and B are both in the
status folder. I claim they're also both *not* in the remote folder
messagelist: this list is formed in IMAP.py cachemessagelist(), which
calls _msgs_to_fetch(), which only asks the IMAP server for messages
that are < maxage days old.

Back to Base.py __syncmessagesto_delete(), look at the call
folder.deletemessages(deletelist), where folder is the local folder.
This ends up calling Maildir.py deletemessage() for each message on
the deletelist. But in line 402, we see that this function returns
(instead of deleting anything) if the message is in the local folder's
messagelist. This messagelist was created by Maildir.py's
cachemessagelist(), which calls _scanfolder(), which tries to exclude
messages based on maxage. So at this point, we *want* A and B to be
excluded -- then they will be spared from deletion. This maxage check
calls _iswithinmaxage(), and actually does the date comparison based
on the time found at the beginning of the message's filename (line
109). These filenames were originally created in Maildir.py's
new_message_filename() (the function I tried to change), which calls
_gettimeseq() to get the current time (i.e. the time of retrieval).

Upshot: A's filename has an older timestamp than B's filename. A is
excluded from the local folder messagelist in _scanfolder(), hence
spared from deletion in deletemessage(); B is not excluded, and is

Sorry if that was more verbosity than you wanted, but hope it made
things clearer.

-- J.M.

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