<DKIM> maxage causes loss of local email

Janna Martl janna.martl109 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 9 06:47:11 GMT 2015

On Sat, Mar 07, 2015 at 01:37:30PM +0100, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
>1. Scan and cache messages up to maxage + 1.
>2. Reduce the cache up to maxage - 1.

I tried to implement this; once I have the list of remote messages of
age < maxage + 1, I reduce this to a list of messages falling within
the correct timerange using rtimes reported by the server. Part of the
_iswithinmaxage() function in Maildir.py was relevant, so I split that
off into a separate function in Base.py.

I found a couple more bugs: the reason I wasn't getting correct times
out of the server before is that the IMAP fetch operation was asking
for uid and flags, but not internaldate (but then attempting to parse
the result as if it had a date). Also, Internaldate2epoch() was just
wrong (it parsed the time zone but didn't use it).

Now about the previous patch:

>Did you test this patch?

Yes, I've been using it for the past couple days, and tried to check
various cases that were previously problematic.

>Please, send me your signed-off-by so I can merge it.

Signed-off-by: Janna Martl <janna.martl109 at gmail.com>

>There is a little downside I didn't think about before, though. The last
>downloaded mails won't anymore be the last as sorted by ls, find and
>friends. If users have any kind of script that operates on the last
>downloaded mails (e.g. hackish way for anti-virus/filtering processing),
>such scripts will be broken.

True. find -ctime still works, though. Maybe the commit message should say
something to this effect? E.g.:

Make new messages' filenames start with the internal date instead of
the retrieval date; this fixes a bug with the maxage feature, where
local messages would get deleted if their internal date and retrieval
dates were significantly different. (Note that ls | head might now
fail to find the most recently retrieved messages, but find -ctime
still works.)

-- J.M.
-------------- next part --------------
diff -Nur offlineimap/folder/Base.py offlineimap-patched/folder/Base.py
--- offlineimap/folder/Base.py	2015-02-28 02:18:19.685320880 -0500
+++ offlineimap-patched/folder/Base.py	2015-03-09 00:26:33.588696271 -0400
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 import os.path
 import re
 from sys import exc_info
+import time
 from offlineimap import threadutil, emailutil
 from offlineimap import globals
@@ -247,6 +248,26 @@
         raise NotImplementedError
+    def time_is_within_maxage(self, t, maxage):
+        """ Checks if time t (expressed as seconds since the epoch) is later than
+        00:00 UTC on (today's date) - (maxage - 1 days). We do this because
+        SINCE in an IMAP search has maximum granularity of days. """
+        #We must convert this to the oldest time and then strip off hrs/mins
+        #from that day
+        oldest_time_utc = time.time() - (60*60*24*maxage)
+        oldest_time_struct = time.gmtime(oldest_time_utc)
+        oldest_time_today_seconds = ((oldest_time_struct[3] * 3600) \
+            + (oldest_time_struct[4] * 60) \
+            + oldest_time_struct[5])
+        oldest_time_utc -= oldest_time_today_seconds
+        if(t < oldest_time_utc):
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
     def dropmessagelistcache(self):
         raise NotImplementedException
diff -Nur offlineimap/folder/Gmail.py offlineimap-patched/folder/Gmail.py
--- offlineimap/folder/Gmail.py	2015-02-28 02:18:19.685320880 -0500
+++ offlineimap-patched/folder/Gmail.py	2015-03-09 00:23:49.276532639 -0400
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
             # NB: msgsToFetch are sequential numbers, not UID's
             res_type, response = imapobj.fetch("'%s'" % msgsToFetch,
-              '(FLAGS X-GM-LABELS UID)')
             if res_type != 'OK':
                 raise OfflineImapError("FETCHING UIDs in folder [%s]%s failed. " % \
                   (self.getrepository(), self) + \
@@ -163,7 +163,6 @@
                                           minor = 1)
                 uid = long(options['UID'])
-                self.messagelist[uid] = self.msglist_item_initializer(uid)
                 flags = imaputil.flagsimap2maildir(options['FLAGS'])
                 m = re.search('\(([^\)]*)\)', options['X-GM-LABELS'])
                 if m:
@@ -172,6 +171,14 @@
                     labels = set()
                 labels = labels - self.ignorelabels
                 rtime = imaplibutil.Internaldate2epoch(messagestr)
+                maxage = self.config.getdefaultint("Account %s"% self.accountname,
+                                           "maxage", -1)
+                # We'd asked the server for (maxage + 1) days of messages to be
+                # safe since we don't know what timezone it's using; now throw
+                # away the ones that aren't in the desired range.
+                if maxage and not self.time_is_within_maxage(rtime, maxage):
+                    continue
+                self.messagelist[uid] = self.msglist_item_initializer(uid)
                 self.messagelist[uid] = {'uid': uid, 'flags': flags, 'labels': labels, 'time': rtime}
     def savemessage(self, uid, content, flags, rtime):
diff -Nur offlineimap/folder/IMAP.py offlineimap-patched/folder/IMAP.py
--- offlineimap/folder/IMAP.py	2015-02-28 02:18:19.685320880 -0500
+++ offlineimap-patched/folder/IMAP.py	2015-03-08 23:52:42.884093854 -0400
@@ -175,7 +175,10 @@
             if(maxage != -1):
                 #find out what the oldest message is that we should look at
-                oldest_struct = time.gmtime(time.time() - (60*60*24*maxage))
+                # We don't know which timezone the server will interpret our
+                # "SINCE <day>" query in, so fetch too many messages and throw
+                # away the ones that are too old later.
+                oldest_struct = time.gmtime(time.time() - (60*60*24*(maxage + 1)))
                 if oldest_struct[0] < 1900:
                     raise OfflineImapError("maxage setting led to year %d. "
                                            "Abort syncing." % oldest_struct[0],
@@ -222,7 +225,7 @@
             # Get the flags and UIDs for these. single-quotes prevent
             # imaplib2 from quoting the sequence.
             res_type, response = imapobj.fetch("'%s'"%
-                msgsToFetch, '(FLAGS UID)')
+                msgsToFetch, '(FLAGS UID INTERNALDATE)')
             if res_type != 'OK':
                 raise OfflineImapError("FETCHING UIDs in folder [%s]%s failed. "
                                        "Server responded '[%s] %s'"% (
@@ -245,9 +248,16 @@
                                           minor = 1)
                 uid = long(options['UID'])
-                self.messagelist[uid] = self.msglist_item_initializer(uid)
                 flags = imaputil.flagsimap2maildir(options['FLAGS'])
                 rtime = imaplibutil.Internaldate2epoch(messagestr)
+                maxage = self.config.getdefaultint("Account %s"% self.accountname,
+                                           "maxage", -1)
+                # We'd asked the server for (maxage + 1) days of messages to be
+                # safe since we don't know what timezone it's using; now throw
+                # away the ones that aren't in the desired range.
+                if maxage and not self.time_is_within_maxage(rtime, maxage):
+                    continue
+                self.messagelist[uid] = self.msglist_item_initializer(uid)
                 self.messagelist[uid] = {'uid': uid, 'flags': flags, 'time': rtime}
     def dropmessagelistcache(self):
diff -Nur offlineimap/folder/Maildir.py offlineimap-patched/folder/Maildir.py
--- offlineimap/folder/Maildir.py	2015-03-09 00:15:11.472543230 -0400
+++ offlineimap-patched/folder/Maildir.py	2015-03-09 00:16:19.024803136 -0400
@@ -94,25 +94,13 @@
     #Checks to see if the given message is within the maximum age according
     #to the maildir name which should begin with a timestamp
     def _iswithinmaxage(self, messagename, maxage):
-        #In order to have the same behaviour as SINCE in an IMAP search
-        #we must convert this to the oldest time and then strip off hrs/mins
-        #from that day
-        oldest_time_utc = time.time() - (60*60*24*maxage)
-        oldest_time_struct = time.gmtime(oldest_time_utc)
-        oldest_time_today_seconds = ((oldest_time_struct[3] * 3600) \
-            + (oldest_time_struct[4] * 60) \
-            + oldest_time_struct[5])
-        oldest_time_utc -= oldest_time_today_seconds
         timestampmatch = re_timestampmatch.search(messagename)
         if not timestampmatch:
             return True
         timestampstr = timestampmatch.group()
         timestamplong = long(timestampstr)
-        if(timestamplong < oldest_time_utc):
-            return False
-        else:
-            return True
+        return self.time_is_within_maxage(timestamplong, maxage)
     def _parse_filename(self, filename):
         """Returns a messages file name components
diff -Nur offlineimap/imaplibutil.py offlineimap-patched/imaplibutil.py
--- offlineimap/imaplibutil.py	2015-02-28 02:18:19.685320880 -0500
+++ offlineimap-patched/imaplibutil.py	2015-03-08 01:13:52.860248989 -0500
@@ -178,6 +178,8 @@
     Returns seconds since the epoch."""
+    import calendar
     mo = InternalDate.match(resp)
     if not mo:
         return None
@@ -201,4 +203,4 @@
     tt = (year, mon, day, hour, min, sec, -1, -1, -1)
-    return time.mktime(tt)
+    return calendar.timegm(tt) - zone

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