<DKIM> maxage causes loss of local email

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Thu Mar 12 09:40:02 GMT 2015

On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 01:00:28AM -0400, Janna Martl wrote:

> Oh! I thought you were talking about a slightly different strategy,
> hence the confusion. However, I'm worried about the following:
> (server)
>    A                B  C      
>  |--------------|---------------|
> -24             0              24
> (local)
>    A                                   
>           |--------------|---------------|
>          -24             0              24
> Now local_lowest_uid will stay undefined, the remote messagelist will
> be [A,B,C], and the local messagelist will be []. This will lead to A
> (and B and C) being deleted on the server, which is bad because A
> actually existed locally.

Yeah, I woke up this morning with a fix this issue in mind. ,-)

I was right initially that we have to care about not having common UID.
In this case, it would be nice to process UIDs for range [(maxage)..lastest].

> The obvious way to fix this is to check the internal date, and not
> delete messages on the server with internaldate < maxage. But I
> thought we were trying to avoid using internaldate, and I'm not sure
> why this would be better than what I was trying to do before.
> Alternatively, we could get (maxage + 2) days of local messages,
> exclude remote messages that fall on the (maxage + 2) local list but
> not the (maxage + 1) local list, then reduce the local list to maxage
> + 1, and continue with the above procedure. Essentially this is
> forcing it to look like Case 1, not Case 2.

Yes and no.

No because this doesn't fix the issue. This just move the problem back
to maxage -2.

Yes, because it's a good idea to change of maxage_safety_interval. The
good maxage_safety_interval depends on the rate that mails are coming.
We don't know about that but the user does and we will help him to get
the correct value. So let's add a new mandatory configuration option for

Now, here is my new version of the logic. Let's check, 2nd round.

CASE ONE (local time is oldest)

  I  J     L        B  C      E  F    X
                   -24             0             24

  I     K     M  A     C   D     F    X
          -24             0             24

We want to sync [X].
Syncing [D, E, F, X] is still acceptable.

CASE TWO (server time is oldest)

  I  J     L        B  C      E  F    X
-24             0             24

  I     K     M  A     C   D     F    X
          -24             0             24

We want to sync [D, E, F, X].

So in both case, we should stop at UIDs > C.

Now comes the processing logic.

maxage_helper = 1
local_messageslist  # ONE SCAN  for messages in range
                    # [(maxage + (maxage_safety_interval * maxage_helper))..lastest]
server_messageslist # ONE FETCH for messages in range
                    # [(maxage + (maxage_safety_interval * maxage_helper))..lastest]

lowest_common_uid = None
if WhateverObject.is_first_sync():
    # This is our first sync, we can't have common UID.
    lowest_common_uid = 0

    # This check just avoids unnecessary computing.
    if len(server_messageslist) > 1:
      # Assumed UID ordered, lowest to biggest.
      # DIFF: we now process ALL known UIDs.
      for m in local_messageslist:
          if uid in server_messageslist:
              lowest_common_uid = local_messageslist[uid]

    if maxage_helper > 1:
        self.ui.info("had to go up to 'maxage_safety_interval = %d' to find "
            "a common UID."% (maxage_safety_interval * maxage_helper))
    if lowest_common_uid == None:
        # (maxage + maxage_safety_interval) is too low.
        if not self.conf.get("maxage_safety_interval_helper_enabled", False):
            raise MaxageException("cannot find common UID, maxage_safety_interval "
                "appears to be too low, it has to be increased.")
            # Trying to figure a better maxage by ourself.
            self.ui.info("could not find common UID within interval "
                "(%i + (%i * %i)), making a new pass (max = 13)."%
                (maxage, maxage_safety_interval, maxage_helper))
            maxage_helper *= 2
            # TODO: make a new local scan and a new fetch for UIDs within
            # (maxage + (maxage_safety_interval * maxage_helper)),
            # look for common UID again:
            # - if found: proceed with it, print hint to what would have
            # been the correct maxage_safety_interval.
            # - else: recurse.
            if maxage_helper > 13:
                lowest_common_uid = 0
                # TODO: rescan local with range [(maxage)..latest]
                # and sync.
                raise MaxageException("cannot find common UID, going back "
                    "to more than %d. "% (.../compute/...))

    # Clean the lists for messages we should not sync.
    if lowest_common_uid != None:
        for mlist in [local_messageslist, server_messageslist]:
            for uid in mlist:
                if uid > lowest_common_uid:
                del mlist[uid]


Same as cases one and two but without common UID.
There is no case three we should worry: we always know what to do.

I'm not sure we need any new configuration option. Having default values
- maxage_safety_interval = 1
- maxage_helper = 1
are pretty good, if not the best at all.

I like this logic because we are avoiding ALL kind of timezone issues,
including the most crasy like the local timezone being plain wrong (far
in the future or in the past), when the user/system failed somewhere.

Also, can extend the maxage feature when its value does not make any
sense. This alternative is to simply print a hint and STOP by default. I
think we could add the following configuration options.

    # When no mail is found within maxage interval, we will try to find
    # the oldest common UID and print a hint of a better maxage value.
    # If False, don't do anything. This is a cul-de-sac, you'll have to
    # increase maxage manually in such a case.
    # Default is False.
    #maxage_helper = False

    # If maxage_helper is True, also sync mails since latest common UID.
    # Default is False.
    #maxage_extend = False

Notice that such options require a review of the logic above. I wrote
the processing logic above this way so we can discuss all the
possibilities with very detailed implementation options in mind.

What do you think?

Nicolas Sebrecht

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