Remote mail is being deleted after sync

Kevin kjloc76 at
Thu May 14 01:30:49 BST 2015

Hello all,

I'm experiencing an issue where my email is being deleted on the Remote
side leaving my inbox (and other folders) completely empty.  The mail is
now all sitting within my local maildirs and subsequent syncs do not send
any of it back up to the remote side.  As you can see if the --info output
below, my nametrans settings match in both directions so from what I can
tell, it should just be syncing those folders leaving the messages on both
sides.  I've pasted the output of 'offlineimap --info' below as well as a
few key lines from the debug logs.  Full debug logs can be viewed here:  Any help would be greatly appreciated!

$ offlineimap --info
OfflineIMAP 6.5.5
  Licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ (v2 or any later version)
Remote repository 'REMOTE_myuser at': type 'IMAP'
Host: Port: 993 SSL: True
Establishing connection to
Server supports ID extension.
Server welcome string: * OK The Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service is ready.
Server capabilities: ('IMAP4', 'IMAP4REV1', 'AUTH=PLAIN', 'AUTH=XOAUTH2',

folderfilter= FILTER_myuser_mydomain_com

nametrans= REMOTETRANS_myuser_mydomain_com

 Calendar (disabled)
 Contacts (disabled)
 Drafts -> drafts
 INBOX -> inbox
 Journal (disabled)
 Notes (disabled)
 Outbox (disabled)
 Sent Items -> sent
 Junk Email -> spam
 Tasks (disabled)
 Deleted Items -> trash

Local repository 'LOCAL_myuser at': type 'Maildir'
nametrans= LOCALTRANS_myuser_mydomain_com

 drafts -> Drafts
 inbox -> INBOX
 sent -> Sent Items
 spam -> Junk Email
 trash -> Deleted Items


2015-05-12 01:39:26 INFO: Syncing INBOX: IMAP -> Maildir
2015-05-12 01:39:26 DEBUG: Loading message list for Maildir[inbox]
2015-05-12 01:39:26 DEBUG: Message list for Maildir[inbox] loaded: 0
2015-05-12 01:39:27 DEBUG: Message list for IMAP[INBOX] loaded: 103 messages
2015-05-12 01:39:27 DEBUG: Syncing messages IMAP[INBOX] -> Maildir[inbox]
2015-05-12 01:39:27 INFO: [DRYRUN] Copy 75 messages from INBOX[
REMOTE_myuser at] to LOCAL_myuser at
2015-05-12 01:39:27 DEBUG: Syncing messages Maildir[inbox] -> IMAP[INBOX]
2015-05-12 01:39:27 INFO: [DRYRUN] Deleting 28 messages
(1429054:1429058,1429060:1429072,1429074:1429081,1429084,1429086) in
2015-05-12 01:39:27 DEBUG: [imap]:   39:27.20 Account sync
myuser at state => LOGOUT

These are a few lines from the debug log that I find peculiar.  The 3rd
line above is definitely false, the local 'inbox' folder has over 10,000
items in it.  The second to last line shows it deleting messages from the
remote inbox, but these are message it just sync'd from remote to local.
Nothing was ever marked for expunge in any MUA at all.
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