OSX sslcacertfile and GMail (Basic help)

Rainer M Krug Rainer at krugs.de
Tue May 19 07:02:08 UTC 2015

Lucien Pullen <drurowin at gmail.com> writes:

> Also sprach chris coleman on 2015-05-18:
>> There should be a standard method to get OpenSSL to download and use
>> the current full set of public root CA certs !
> I noticed that the certificate you get by connecting to Gmail tells
> where to get its CA from.  Got distracted after dinner instead of
> writing a routine to do the fetch in an automated fashion.
> The only thing I noticed is that GIAG2.crt is (at least until January 1,
> 2017) DER format, and OpenSSL is too dumb to convert it to PEM format
> itself.  Luckily, if you know what input format it is, you can tell
> OpenSSL to convert it yourself. {{eyeroll}}
> I've got code working to create a PEM file from the keychain that
> specializes getsslcacertfile() for Gmail IMAP on Darwin.  Perhaps we
> should cache the fetch of GIAG2.crt into the keychain (which also solves
> OpenSSL not being able to use DER)?

I don't have much knowledge of all these security issues, but as far as
I know, the certificates are already in the keychain? Or are they there,
because they have been downloaded by Safari browser before?


> Not as great as OpenSSL being fixed to do this itself (The Right
> Thing), but should work in the meanwhile.
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Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
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