<DKIM> Remote mail is being deleted after sync

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Thu May 14 23:17:02 BST 2015

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 05:29:21PM -0400, Kevin wrote:

>    Commenting out the maxage parameter corrected the behavior and now
>    everything is working just fine!

Good. I think negative values for maxage should be forbidden, though.


>    On a separate note, I did notice that the -o command line option
>    doesn't seem to override the autorefresh setting as it should.  Even
>    with that option set, it will still go into autorefresh mode.  This
>    isn't a big deal for me, I was just using -o while testing anyway.Â
>    Just wanted to point it out.  It happens with both 6.5.6 and
>    6.5.7-rc4.

If this is confirmed, this is a real bug that had to be fixed.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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