[ANNOUNCE] OfflineIMAP v6.6.0-rc3 released

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Thu Nov 5 08:29:19 GMT 2015

OfflineIMAP v6.6.0-rc3 is out.


Changes are slowing down and the code is under serious testing by some new
contributors. Everything expected at this time in the release cycle.

Thanks to Sébastien Gross, Valentin Lab and Max Vilimpoc. You are welcome!

SSL is now enabled by default to prevent from sending private data in clear
stream to the wild.

# Features

- Add new config option `filename_use_mail_timestamp`.

# Fixes

- Bump from imaplib2 v2.51 to v2.52.
- Minor fixes.

# Changes

- Enable SSL by default.
- Fix: avoid writing password to log.
- offlineimap.conf: improve namtrans doc a bit.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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