[offlineimap] Unable to sync IMAP - looping with "reader poll => []" (#207)

Nicolas Sebrecht notifications at github.com
Tue Oct 13 13:54:36 BST 2015

Thanks. Changed merged upstream and applied into official `next` branch.

Back to your original issue, I see that TLS handshake goes fine! Both (with and without TLS) seem to fail to get  response of the IMAP server CAPABILITY right after the poll driver is enabled. So, I wonder if there's a firmware issue with the poll driver.

Could you test latest offlineimap WIP (`next` branch) with the following change: in `offlineimap/imaplib2.py` line 1792, change:

if hasattr(select_module, "poll"):


if False:

Keep indentation as-is.

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