Struggling with the general concepts, is offlineimap even the right tool?

Scott Haneda scott at
Sat Sep 19 05:01:23 BST 2015


I have a few simple goals:
- Backup my email
- Be able to edit subjects and have then synced with live and backup to fix
threading issues
- Be able to edit headers if needed, though just the subject seems enough

I know offlineIMAP can do the backup part, but do I even need a mail client
like mutt or similar to edit the subjects?  I assume offlineimap will
download and sync, and they are plain text files, or I will configure it to
be plain text files.  I can simply edit those in my favorite text editor,
save, and re-sync?

I am on OS X Yosemite 10.10.5, has anyone gotten offlineimap to work with
the OS X keychain using the /usr/bin/security command?  I fail to see how
any has gotten that to work, as I get nothing back of any value, certainly
not a password.  I have taken the command out of the python file and just
run it in the terminal with the appropriate values, and nothing.

I see all the tutorials on how to get the SSL data or the fingerprint for
gmail, but no one tells how they got that data. They just say, oh, gmail
changed their certs, I am going to have to update my dot file and here is
what I pasted in.  How they got the fingerprint of new cert, I have no idea.

Thanks, I have a feeling this thread is going to go on for a while as I
wrap my head around it all, but backup IMAP mail has been on my checklist
for way too long, and if I get the bonus of being able to manage the
threading of my emails from everyone's broken ZenDesk installs, all the

Thanks again.
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