Sync deleted emails with Gmail

Florian Gamböck ml at
Mon Aug 15 20:20:15 BST 2016

Hi Wojciech,

On 2016-08-14 14:19, Wojciech Żuk wrote:
> I have tried configuration with realdelete = true on Gmail repository, 
> but still the same, message deleted from Inbox on email client after 
> offlineimap synchronisation is also deleted from Gmail 
> "accountname\Inbox" but this messages stay in Gmail\All Mail but with 
> striped label. 
> is anyone who have any solution for that?

you could instruct your mail client to move deleted emails to 
Gmail/Trash and leave the "real deletion" to Gmail.

OfflineIMAP will synchronize, so the messages you want to delete will be 
uploaded to Gmail/Trash. This automagically removes every label from 
these emails, and with standard settings, Gmail will delete them after 
30-or-so days.



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