<DKIM> restore a folder mad by offlineIMAP on (Synology) NAS

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Wed Aug 17 20:36:25 BST 2016

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 09:00:49PM +0200, Henny Zutt wrote:
> Hi group,
> I am a newbie with offlineIMAP, so have some patience .......
> I've looked on the net, but could not find a proper procedure to restore 
> a folder i backuped with
> offlineIMAP from a synology NAS. (

Did you read this:



> This is my simple script to make the backup ( on a debian linux system 
> under user miep)
> #!/bin/sh
> PATH=/opt/someApp/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
> /usr/bin/offlineimap >> /home/miep/imap.log 2>&1

offlineimap is not a backup tool on its own.

> echo `date +%d-%m-%y` >> /home/miep/imap.log
> tail -2 imap.log |mail -s "Backup-Mail-miep" miep at some-domain.com

Bad, you're missing the status code.

> /bin/rm /home/miep/imap.log

Bad, you're removing history or the runs. Make proper logs and keep
history. Look at logrotate.

> How do i restore a single folder or if thats not possible the whole set  
> from the debian linux system
> back to the server ?  ( in a different user ?)

Look our online documentation. From there, it should be easy to
figure what you want in a per folder basis. Hint: observe the structure
of the cache and don't forget to include this in the backups. ,-)

Nicolas Sebrecht

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