[PATCH,review]: add lmdb folder backend

lkcl lkcl at lkcl.net
Mon Dec 19 09:29:29 GMT 2016

diff --git a/offlineimap/folder/LocalStatusLMDB.py b/offlineimap/folder/LocalStatusLMDB.py
index e69de29..3108595 100644
--- a/offlineimap/folder/LocalStatusLMDB.py
+++ b/offlineimap/folder/LocalStatusLMDB.py
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+# Local status cache virtual folder: LMDB backend
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Stewart Smith and contributors.
+# Copyright (C) 2016 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl at lkcl.net>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+import os
+import lmdb
+from sys import exc_info
+import six
+    # Use ultra-fast json library if available (much faster,
+    # see https://blog.hartleybrody.com/python-serialize/)
+    import ujson as json
+except ImportError:
+    # not available, fall back to standard python json library (slower)
+    import json
+from .Base import BaseFolder
+class LocalStatusLMDBFolder(BaseFolder):
+    """ LocalStatus backend implemented with an LMDB database
+    """
+    # Current version of our db format.
+    cur_version = 1
+    def __init__(self, name, repository):
+        self.sep = '.' # Needs to be set before super().__init__().
+        super(LocalStatusLMDBFolder, self).__init__(name, repository)
+        self.root = repository.root
+        self.filename = os.path.join(self.getroot(), self.getfolderbasename())
+        self._newfolder = False # Flag if the folder is new.
+        dirname = os.path.dirname(self.filename)
+        if not os.path.exists(dirname):
+            os.makedirs(dirname)
+        if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
+            raise UserWarning("LMDB database path '%s' is not a directory."%
+                               dirname)
+        self._env = None
+    def openfiles(self):
+        """ Open database, check it, upgrade if needed
+        """
+        # Try to establish connection
+        try:
+            self._env = lmdb.open(self.filename, max_dbs=10)
+        except lmdb.Error as e:
+            # Operation had failed.
+            six.reraise(UserWarning,
+                        UserWarning(
+                            "cannot open database file '%s': %s.\nYou might"
+                            " want to check the rights to that file and if "
+                            "it cleanly opens with the 'lmdb<3>' command"%
+                            (self.filename, e)),
+                        exc_info()[2])
+        with self._env.begin() as txn:
+            # Test if db version is current enough and if db is readable.
+            try:
+                db = self.env.open_db('metadata')
+                with self._env.begin(db=db) as txn:
+                    cursor = txn.cursor()
+                    version = int(cursor.get('db_version'))
+            except:
+                # db file missing or corrupt, recreate it.
+                self.__create_db()
+            else:
+                # Fetch db version and upgrade if needed.
+                if version < LocalStatusLMDBFolder.cur_version:
+                    self.__upgrade_db(version)
+    def purge(self):
+        """ Remove any pre-existing database. Do not call in dry-run mode.
+        """
+        try:
+            os.unlink(self.filename)
+        except OSError as e:
+            self.ui.debug('', "could not remove file %s: %s"%
+                (self.filename, e))
+    def storesmessages(self):
+        return False
+    def getfullname(self):
+        return self.filename
+    # Interface from LocalStatusFolder
+    def isnewfolder(self):
+        return self._newfolder
+    def __upgrade_db(self, from_ver):
+        """ Upgrade the lmdb format from version 'from_ver' to current
+        """
+        # Future version upgrades come here...
+        # if from_ver <= 1: ... #upgrade from 1 to 2
+        # if from_ver <= 2: ... #upgrade from 2 to 3
+        # if from_ver <= 3: ... #upgrade from 3 to 4
+    def __create_db(self):
+        """Create a new db file.
+        """
+        self.ui._msg('Creating new Local Status db for %s:%s'%
+                     (self.repository, self))
+        self._metadata_db = self._env.open_db('metadata')
+        self._status_db = self._env.open_db('status')
+        with self._env.begin(write=True) as txn:
+            txn.put('db_version', str(LocalStatusLMDBFolder.cur_version),
+                    db=self._metadata_db)
+        self._newfolder = True
+    # Interface from BaseFolder
+    def msglist_item_initializer(self, uid):
+        # XXX not used (there's no point)
+        return { 'uid': uid,
+                 'flags': set(), 
+                 'labels': set(), 
+                 'time': 0,
+                 'mtime': 0
+               }
+    # Interface from BaseFolder
+    def cachemessagelist(self):
+        """ caches in memory all messages in the lmdb status_db
+        """
+        self.dropmessagelistcache()
+        with self._env.begin(db=self._status_db) as txn:
+            for key, val in txn.cursor():
+                uid = int(key)
+                print "cachemsglist", uid, val
+                # if flags or labels are empty they're stored as null
+                # so subst an empty tuple, converts to empty set
+                (flags, labels, _time, mtime) = json.loads(val)
+                msg = { 'time': _time,
+                        'mtime': mtime,
+                        'flags': set(flags or () ),
+                        'labels': set(labels or () )
+                      }
+                self.messagelist[uid] = msg
+    def closefiles(self):
+        self._env.close()
+        self._env = None
+        self._metadata_db = None
+        self._status_db = None
+    # Interface from LocalStatusFolder
+    def save(self):
+        pass
+        # Noop. every transaction commits to database!
+    def _save_msg(self, txn, uid, msg):
+        # take relevant stuff from msg, convert to tuple.
+        # empty sets are saved as null
+        msg = (msg['flags'] or None, # empty set evaluates True => save space
+               msg['labels'] or None, # ditto
+               msg['time'],
+               msg['mtime'])
+        txn.put(str(uid), json.dumps(msg), db=self._status_db)
+    def saveall(self):
+        """ Saves the entire messagelist to the database.
+        """
+        with self._env.begin(write=True) as txn:
+            for uid in self.messagelist:
+                self._save_msg(txn, uid, self.messagelist[uid])
+    # Interface from BaseFolder
+    def savemessage(self, uid, content, flags, rtime, mtime=0, labels=None):
+        """ Writes a new message, with the specified uid.
+            See folder/Base for detail. Note that savemessage() does not
+            check against dryrun settings, so you need to ensure that
+            savemessage is never called in a dryrun mode.
+        """
+        if uid < 0:
+            # We cannot assign a uid.
+            return uid
+        if self.uidexists(uid): # Already have it.
+            self.savemessageflags(uid, flags)
+            return uid
+        msg = {'uid': uid,
+               'flags': flags, 
+               'time': rtime, 
+               'mtime': mtime, 
+               'labels': labels or set()
+              }
+        self.messagelist[uid] = msg
+        with self._env.begin(write=True) as txn:
+            self._save_msg(txn, uid, msg)
+        return uid
+    # Interface from BaseFolder
+    def savemessageflags(self, uid, flags):
+        assert self.uidexists(uid)
+        msg = self.messagelist[uid]
+        msg['flags'] = flags
+        with self._env.begin(write=True) as txn:
+            self._save_msg(txn, uid, msg)
+    def getmessageflags(self, uid):
+        return self.messagelist[uid]['flags']
+    def savemessagelabels(self, uid, labels, mtime=None):
+        msg = self.messagelist[uid]
+        msg['labels'] = labels
+        if mtime:
+            msg['mtime'] = mtime
+        with self._env.begin(write=True) as txn:
+            self._save_msg(txn, uid, msg)
+    def _save_by_uids(self, uids):
+        with self._env.begin(write=True) as txn:
+            for uid in uids: # dict iterates keys, list iterates members
+                self._save_msg(txn, uid, self.messagelist[uid])
+    def savemessageslabelsbulk(self, labels):
+        """ Saves labels from a dictionary in a single database operation.
+        """
+        for uid in labels:
+            self.messagelist[uid]['labels'] = l
+        self._save_by_uids(labels) # use for on dict to get uids as keys
+    def addmessageslabels(self, uids, labels):
+        for uid in uids:
+            self.messagelist[uid]['labels'].update(labels)
+        self._save_by_uids(uids)
+    def deletemessageslabels(self, uids, labels):
+        for uid in uids:
+            self.messagelist[uid]['labels'] -= labels
+        self._save_by_uids(uids) # use for on dict to get uids as keys
+    def getmessagelabels(self, uid):
+        return self.messagelist[uid]['labels']
+    def savemessagesmtimebulk(self, mtimes):
+        """ Saves mtimes from a dictionary in a single database operation.
+        """
+        for uid in mtimes:
+            mt = mtimes[uid]
+            self.messagelist[uid]['mtime'] = mt
+        self._save_by_uids(mtimes) # use for on dict to get uids as keys
+    def getmessagemtime(self, uid):
+        return self.messagelist[uid]['mtime']
+    # Interface from BaseFolder
+    def deletemessage(self, uid):
+        if not uid in self.messagelist:
+            return
+        with self._env.begin(write=True) as txn:
+            txn.drop(self._status_db, str(uid))
+        del self.messagelist[uid]
+    # Interface from BaseFolder
+    def deletemessages(self, uidlist):
+        """ Delete list of UIDs from status cache
+        """
+        # Weed out ones not in self.messagelist
+        uidlist = [uid for uid in uidlist if uid in self.messagelist]
+        if len(uidlist) == 0:
+            return
+        with self._env.begin(write=True) as txn:
+            for uid in uidlist:
+                txn.drop(self._status_db, str(uid))
+        for uid in uidlist:
+            del self.messagelist[uid]
diff --git a/offlineimap/repository/LocalStatus.py b/offlineimap/repository/LocalStatus.py
index f23020f..b21f07b 100644
--- a/offlineimap/repository/LocalStatus.py
+++ b/offlineimap/repository/LocalStatus.py
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import os
 from offlineimap.folder.LocalStatus import LocalStatusFolder
 from offlineimap.folder.LocalStatusSQLite import LocalStatusSQLiteFolder
+from offlineimap.folder.LocalStatusLMDB import LocalStatusLMDBFolder
 from offlineimap.repository.Base import BaseRepository
 class LocalStatusRepository(BaseRepository):
@@ -32,6 +33,11 @@ class LocalStatusRepository(BaseRepository):
             'root': os.path.join(account.getaccountmeta(), 'LocalStatus-sqlite')
+        self.backends['lmdb'] = {
+            'class': LocalStatusLMDBFolder,
+            'root': os.path.join(account.getaccountmeta(), 'LocalStatus-lmdb')
+        }
         self.backends['plain'] = {
             'class': LocalStatusFolder,
             'root': os.path.join(account.getaccountmeta(), 'LocalStatus')

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