OfflineImapError: IMAP server ... does not have a message with UID '15541'

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at
Sat Jan 23 07:19:16 UTC 2016

On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 08:26:15PM +0100, Tomas Nordin wrote:

> I am in contact with the IT people there. They are not aware of UID:s.
> Do you have a suggestion on how I can guide them in helping me
> trouble-shoot this.
> I mean, is there a suggestion of a way they can query the Imap server so
> as to see the UID being reported?

Manual IMAP sessions are well described in the net. ,-)

I'm pretty sure the issue comes from the exchange server. We had another
report of this in github:

Nicolas Sebrecht

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