Sorting emails into monthly folders

Joss Wright joss at
Tue Jan 19 10:30:09 GMT 2016

You may also want to look at archivemail: ,
which I've used when my work email account becomes too large.


On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 11:00:21AM +0100, Tomasz Żok wrote:
> Hi nanooq,
> On 2016-01-18 at 18:21, offlineimap at wrote:
> > how do I sort emails into monthly folders?
> This seems to be a question outside of OfflineIMAP scope, but briefly saying,
> there are two ways to go. 
> If you want it done manually from time to time, it is a responsibility of your
> e-mail client to let you select messages older than 6 months. In mutt, you can
> press "T" to tag messages and write criterion like: ~r -01/07/15 This will
> select all e-mails you have ever received up to 1st of July 2015. Then you can
> press "s" and save them in any folder as you please.  OfflineIMAP will create
> that folder remotely upon next synchronization.
> If you want it to happen automatically for new e-mail (because for messages
> already received, you will have to do the manual sorting anyway), I believe it
> depends on which IMAP server you work with and if it allows such use case. For
> example, if the IMAP server has support for Sieve, you can write some kind of
> script to work the way you want it.  Below is an example from Sieve
> documentation: ( require ["date",
> "relational", "fileinto"]; if anyof(date :is "received" "weekday" "0", date
> :is "received" "weekday" "6") { fileinto "weekend"; }
> That's not exactly what you asked for, but as you can see, Sieve extension
> described in RFC 5260 allows you to use dates of e-mails in the rules. I
> haven't used it myself, but I think it's possible to file messages into
> 2016-01, 2016-02, and so on automatically.
> I personally prefer the Inbox Zero way where I put every e-mail already
> handled into a special archive folder and keep Inbox empty. If the archive
> folder ever gets too big, I sort it the manual way but in a yearly fashion
> (archive-2011, archive-2012, ...). Maybe it depends on the volume of e-mail
> you get, but for me a separate folder for every month would be more of a
> problem than solution :).
> Hope it answers your questions and helps you, regards, Tomasz
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Joss Wright | @JossWright

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