[PATCH] introduce a virtual imaplib2 (was: Separate imaplib2 from offlineimap)

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Thu Jun 9 11:04:07 UTC 2016

On Thu, Jun 09, 2016 at 06:26:51AM +0000, Franz Fellner wrote:

> Gentoo offers live-ebuilds (ebuilds that checkout git with every build). There is no
> offlineimap-live-ebuild in Gentoo main tree ATM, but at least it's possible. Arch
> also offers live-packages for several packages. As I don't use Arch I can't say if it
> offers offlineimap-git.

Oh, yes. I was aware of those. I didn't consider these cases because
those setup are not considered stable, AFAIK.

Also, both distributions don't package imaplib2 and rely on our bundled

> I actually use some packages as live-ebuilds, e.g. awesome, compton, neovim, ...
> I closely follow development and do updates from time to time when I know a fix or a
> new feature I want to test has landed.

Yes. However, you're expected to know what you do. This is of your own

> But my point was: You never know what the user/distro does! So being explicit about
> the supported versions of offlineimap's DEPS is really important. And that patching
> imaplib2 could result in unwanted/undefined behaviour.

Plain true. The more I think about this, the more I'm convinced we
should not provide support when imaplib2 is provided by the system.

In case of a bug, users would be requested to fetch the vanilla
offlineimap and test.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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