[PATCH] introduce a virtual imaplib2 (was: Separate imaplib2 from offlineimap)

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Sat Jun 4 11:10:46 BST 2016

On Sat, Jun 04, 2016 at 11:50:15AM +0200, Łukasz Żarnowiecki wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 04, 2016 at 02:04:07AM +0200, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:

> > - Offlineimap can run without outside dependency since the beginning and
> >   I know users expect it to work like this: download the zip and run.
> This invariant was changed when we introduced six as a dependency.

True but the difference is that six is widely used enough to be packaged
in most distributions, I guess.

Also, I expect whatever version of six to work quite smoothly while
imaplib2 can introduce very subtle bugs.  Offlineimap is a big wrapper
of imaplib2 and bug reports with unexpected versions of this lib would
be challenging.

> > - This will require us to handle bugs for different imaplib2 versions.
> >   This means more maintenance tasks.
> This is a good point, but we might state that only the latest version is
> supported.

I'll consider this idea. Though, "Latest" is not what I'd like since
they might be broken too.

> What about
>     if (int(imaplib.__release__) < _SUPPORTED_RELEASE or
>         int(imaplib.__revision__) < _SUPPORTED_REVISION):
> as PEP8 suggest?

Good point.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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