<DKIM> [GSoC]Getting Started and Contributing

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Thu Mar 3 05:44:21 UTC 2016

On Thu, Mar 03, 2016 at 10:25:57AM +0530, Om Prakash wrote:
>    ​​
>    Hello,
>           While trying to run offlineimap to sync my Gmail, I am getting
>          Account sync Gmail:
>           *** Processing account Gmail
>           Establishing connection to [1]imap.gmail.com:993
>           ERROR: While attempting to sync account 'Gmail'
>            [Errno 101] Network is unreachable
>           *** Finished account 'Gmail' in 0:42
>           Next refresh in 5.0 minutes
>    I checked my internet connection. It is working fine. I can access
>    web through firefox and install package using terminal. kindly point me
>    where I made mistake.

Do you have a firewall?

Nicolas Sebrecht

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