<DKIM> GSoC application

Santiago Ferreira santiago.ferreira at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 07:58:39 GMT 2016

On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 10:38 PM, Nicolas Sebrecht <
nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 01, 2016 at 01:01:02AM +0000, Santiago Ferreira wrote:
> You're welcome.
   > Thank you!

> Where did you read this? What version did you install? How?

    >    I read this after I type "emerge offlineimap" on Gentoo, The
version installed it's the offlineimap-6.5.6::gentoo.

The exact text that I get is:

You will need to configure offlineimap by creating ~/.offlineimaprc
Sample configurations are in /usr/share/doc/offlineimap-6.5.6/

If you connect via ssl/tls and don't use CA cert checking, it will display
the server's cert fingerprint and require you to add it to the
configuration file to be sure it connects to the same server every time.
This serves to help fixing CVE-2010-4532 (offlineimap doesen't check SSL
certificate) in cases where you have no CA cert.

This last paragragh its the one tha,t when I read it ,I get confused about

> >                                                      so to be more
> careful
> >    I gonna try to download the source of imapfw
> >    I saw that it's not present yet in the portage tree, so I have work to
> >    do if I'm selected. :)
> AFAIK, imapfw is not packaged to any distribution. It's normal and
> expected at this stage. Distributions want working tools. :-)
>  ;) thanks

Santiago Ferreira

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