Help for sync google to google nested on a folder

101passi 101passi at
Wed May 11 11:43:49 BST 2016

Dear friends, after spending many hours over several days on the
documentation, web searches and trial and errors, I am finally writing here
looking for help.

I am a newbie so I hope somebody can help. I know this is time consuming
but I can commit to helping others later, once I get what’s wrong.

My goals are the following


   Sync some (whole) google business account to a subfolder of another
   google business account.

   Sync some Lotus Notes account with a google business account

Sub-goals will be to also keep a local copy as backup for both 1 and 2

My issues are the nametrans and reverse nametrans, I can’t get the account
to be nested on a subfolder of the target account.

A side issue I could not manage to solve is to deal with google
authentication mechanism (tried to understand and apply the oauth “thing”
but no success). A step by step guide would really help.

I am also willing to write some documentation for all the processes once I
manage to get everything working.

Thank you so much for your help.

####this config is the result of many many changes + trials&errors, I know
it is wrong…###

# Sample minimal config file.  Copy this to ~/.offlineimaprc and edit to

# get started fast.


accounts =  lioneltokenya

#ui = Blinkenlights


[Account stradalionel]

localrepository = LocalLionel

remoterepository = RemoteLionel

[Repository LocalLionel]

type = Maildir

localfolders = /opt/offlineimap/strada/lionel

[Repository RemoteLionel]

type = Gmail

#auth_mechanisms = XOAUTH2

# remotehost = examplehost

remoteuser = xxxx at

remotepass = xxxxx

#ssl = yes

sslcacertfile = /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt


#oauth2_client_id = xxxxxxxxx

#oauth2_client_secret = xxxxxxxx


[Account lioneltokenya]

localrepository = GMAILIMAPLionel

remoterepository = GMAILKenya

[Repository GMAILIMAPLionel]

type = IMAP

remotehost =

remoteport = 993

remoteuser = xxxxx at

remotepass = xxxxxxx

ssl = yes

sslcacertfile = /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt

readonly = true

#nametrans = lambda folder: re.sub(folder, '.BKLIONEL.' + folder, folder)

nametrans = lambda folder: 'BKLIONEL.' + folder

sep = .

[Repository GMAILKenya]

type = Gmail

remotehost =

remoteport = 993

remoteuser = xxxxxx at

remotepass = xxxxxxxx

ssl = yes

sslcacertfile = /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt


folderfilter = lambda folder: folder.startswith('BKLIONEL')

nametrans = lambda folder: re.sub( "BKLIONEL.", "", folder)

sep = .
#sep = /
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