<DKIM> Re: <DKIM> Re: <DKIM> Re: <DKIM> Error when uploading to Gmail: reader socket error: <type 'exceptions.IOError'> Too many read 0

Sean Hammond offlineimap-project at snhmnd.fastmail.com
Wed Sep 14 09:55:14 UTC 2016

On Tue, 13 Sep 2016, at 06:42 PM, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 10:23:44AM +0100, Sean Hammond wrote:
> > Ok, if it is uploading then the problem I have is that each time I run
> > offlineimap it freezes (doesn't crash or end in any way) after ~170
> > emails (or sometimes slightly less). If offlineimap would give up and
> > crash or end, then I could easily write a script to continuously run
> > offlineimap and then wait a minute and run it again, and upload all the
> > email in chunks of ~170 at a time. But offlineimap just hangs forever.
> Is there any full stack trace? Do you have maxconnections set?

I don't have maxconnections set (nothing about maxconnections in my
offlineimaprc). I could add maxconnections = 1 to my offlineimaprc?

There's no stack trace that I can see. For example I ran it with -d
imap,maildir,thread and redirected stdout and stderr to files, then
grepped those files for "traceback" and "exception". All I find is this,
near the end of stderr:

[imap]:   25:24.24 imap.gmail.com handler terminating: "socket error:
<type 'exceptions.IOError'> - Too many read 0"

Here's the last 20 lines:

[imap]:   55:14.46 Folder
Migrated/INBOX/Archive/me at googlemail^com/Archive [acc: me at gmail.com]
[sync] APPEND ('Migrated/INBOX/Archive/me at googlemail^com/Archive', '()',
'"26-Jul-2016 19:23:33 +0100"')
 [imap]:   55:17.25 Folder
 Migrated/INBOX/Archive/me at googlemail^com/Archive [acc: me at gmail.com]
 [async] CHECK ()
 [imap]:   55:17.42 Folder me at googlemail.com [acc: me at gmail.com] [sync]
 SELECT ('me at googlemail.com',)
 [imap]:   55:17.59 Folder me at googlemail.com [acc: me at gmail.com] state
 [imap]:   55:17.59 Folder me at googlemail.com [acc: me at gmail.com] [sync]
 EXAMINE ('me at googlemail.com',)
 [imap]:   55:17.75 Folder me at googlemail.com [acc: me at gmail.com] state
 [imap]:   55:17.76 Folder me at googlemail.com [acc: me at gmail.com] [async]
 [imap]:   55:18.37 Folder
 Migrated/INBOX/Archive/me at googlemail^com/Archive [acc: me at gmail.com]
 [sync] SELECT ('Migrated/INBOX/Archive/me at googlemail^com/Archive',)
 [imap]:   55:20.75 Folder
 Migrated/INBOX/Archive/me at googlemail^com/Archive [acc: me at gmail.com]
 state => SELECTED
 [imap]:   55:20.75 Folder
 Migrated/INBOX/Archive/me at googlemail^com/Archive [acc: me at gmail.com]
 [sync] APPEND ('Migrated/INBOX/Archive/me at googlemail^com/Archive',
 '()', '"26-Jul-2016 19:25:13 +0100"')
 [imap]:   55:23.59 Folder
 Migrated/INBOX/Archive/me at googlemail^com/Archive [acc: me at gmail.com]
 [async] CHECK ()
 [imap]:   25:24.24 imap.gmail.com reader socket error: <type
 'exceptions.IOError'> - Too many read 0
 [imap]:   25:24.24 imap.gmail.com reader finished
imap.gmail.com handler:
 [imap]:   25:24.24 imap.gmail.com handler terminating: "socket error:
 <type 'exceptions.IOError'> - Too many read 0"
 [imap]:   25:24.24 imap.gmail.com handler state_change_free.set
imap.gmail.com writer:
 [imap]:   25:24.24 imap.gmail.com writer finished
imap.gmail.com handler:
 [imap]:   25:24.24 imap.gmail.com handler finished

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