Strange error but synching anyway with gmail

Rainer M Krug Rainer at
Fri Sep 23 09:07:25 UTC 2016

Rainer M Krug <r.m.krug at> writes:

> Le jeudi 22 septembre 2016, Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev at> a écrit :
>  On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 09:18:14AM +0200, Rainer M Krug wrote:
>  > OK - I added
>  >
>  > ,----
>  > | auth_mechanisms = GSSAPI, CRAM-MD5, PLAIN, LOGIN
>  > `----
>  >
>  > to the
>  >
>  > ,----
>  > | [Repository RemoteRMKrugGMAIL]
>  > `----
>  >
>  > section and the error message is gone.
>  Roger that. We have a problem.
>  The XOAUTH2 authentication should not be tried if no XOAUTH2
>  configuration option is set.
>  Could you please try v7.0.7?
> Thanks - Will do so tomorrow as I am upgrading at the moment. 

Upgrade worked - puh.

Upgraded to HEAD (7.0.7) and still the same - if I comment the config
specifying the authentication out, it still tries to use XOAUTH2. If I
put it in (without XOAUTH2) it works.


>  > But I would like to try OATH2.
>  >
>  > Now I would like to enable XOAUTH2 and I have all the clientid and
>  > secret. But what is the "accountname" in
>  >
>  > ,----
>  > | oauth2_client_id_eval = get_client_id("accountname")
>  > | oauth2_client_secret_eval = get_client_secret("accountname")
>  > `----
>  >
>  > I tried my gmail address and the name of the project, but I still get
>  > the same error message?
>  The *_eval configuration options are the evaluable option to provide the
>  the real value by a function stored in the pythonfile.
> Ok - got it. 
>  Here, "accountname" is whatever string for the function in the
>  pythonfile to return the correct value if there are more than one
>  account using the same function. This helps to factorize the code in the
>  pythonfile.
> So the value is stored somewhere else and the function returns the value - perfect. 
>  > Is there a specific dependency for OAUTH2?
>  There is no external Python dependency. The dependencies should be
>  provided by the "basic/default" Python environment.
> Ok - will try it out tomorrow and store the values in my keychain from the mac. 
> Thanks,
> Rainer
>  --
>  Nicolas Sebrecht

Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
PGP: 0x0F52F982
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