<DKIM> Re: <DKIM> Error when uploading to Gmail: reader socket error: <type 'exceptions.IOError'> Too many read 0

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Sun Sep 11 19:02:17 BST 2016

On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 06:41:07PM +0100, Sean Hammond wrote:

> I'm actually not sure whether it's managing so sync any new emails on
> each run or not. On each run I see a lot of apparently successful copy
> messages like this:
> Copy message -1 (1 of 124622)
> me at gmail.com:local:Migrated.INBOX.Archive.me at googlemail^com.Archive ->
> me at gmail.com:remote
> ...
> Copy message -124449 (175 of 124622)
> me at gmail.com:local:Migrated.INBOX.Archive.me at googlemail^com.Archive ->
> me at gmail.com:remote
> And then it freezes on 175. If I kill it and run it again, it'll print
> copy 1-175 messages again then freeze again. But in the gmail web
> interface, the number of conversations that it reports as existing in
> the folder never changes.

The uploaded files must be stored on remote. If not, it's a bug.

You can track this down with the total number of emails to upload:

  Copy message -124449 (175 of 124622)

This must be reduced on next run after the bug on the 175th email.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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