Strange error but synching anyway with gmail

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at
Wed Sep 21 20:47:31 BST 2016

On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 06:40:46PM +0200, Rainer M Krug wrote:

> >> ,----
> >> | [general]
> >> | accounts = Gmail
> >> | maxsyncaccounts = 3
> >> | ## write to disk using fsync()
> >> | fsync = true
> >> | ## ignore readonly warning message
> >> | ignore-readonly = no
> >> | pythonfile = ~/
> >> | 
> >> | [Account Gmail]
> >> | localrepository  = LocalRMKrugGMAIL
> >> | remoterepository = RemoteRMKrugGMAIL
> >> | ######
> >> | status_backend = sqlite
> >> | ######
> >> | postsynchook = /usr/local/bin/notmuch new
> >> | ######
> >> | autorefresh = 2
> >> | quick = 10
> >> | ######

<...stripping to general and the Gmail account...>

> >> | [Repository RemoteRMKrugGMAIL]
> >> | type = Gmail
> >> | sslcacertfile = /usr/local/etc/openssl/cert.pem
> >> | ######
> >> | remoteuser = USERNAME
> >> | remotepasseval = get_keychain_pass(account="RMKrugGmailOfflineimap")
> >> | ######
> >> | maxconnections = 5
> >> | ######
> >> | nametrans = lambda foldername: 'RMKrugGMAIL.' + foldername
> >> | ######
> >> | keepalive = 60
> >> | holdconnectionopen = no
> >> | ######
> >> | 
> >> | 
> >> | [Repository LocalRMKrugGMAIL]
> >> | type = IMAP
> >> | ###### 
> >> | preauthtunnel = /usr/local/opt/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/imap -o mail_location=maildir:$HOME/Maildir
> >> | holdconnectionopen = yes
> >> | ######
> >> | nametrans = lambda folder: re.sub('^RMKrugGMAIL.', '', folder)
> >> | ######
> >> | folderfilter = lambda folder: folder.startswith('RMKrugGMAIL')
> >> | ######
> >> | keepalive = 60
> >> | holdconnectionopen = no
> >> | ######

I don't get how offlineimap can try XOAUTH if no XOAUTH configuration
option is set.

Could to try to fix the auth_mechanisms configuration option to check
what is done?

Nicolas Sebrecht

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