offlineimap stop working after update

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at
Sun Jul 16 20:54:47 UTC 2017

On Sun, Jul 16, 2017 at 08:06:36PM +0200, Wojciech Żuk wrote:

>    as you can see I have in my config reverse nametrans rules, my config is
>    OK as it worked over a last year before offlineimap upgrade

Sorry, I didn't read the rules because they are badly rendered and
formated due to the HTML format of the emails.

>     I found something:
>    when I hash this on remote-repository:
>    #createfolders = false
>    then offlineimap start to create on Gmail side folders but with different
>    names that it should:
>    [1]account at
>    [2]account at
>    [3]account at
>    but it does this:
>     Creating folder account at wp/pl[Gmail-wp]
>    Creating folder account at wp/pl/Mbank[Gmail-wp]
>     Creating folder account at wp/pl/Citibank[Gmail-wp]
>    it changes names from  [4]account at to account at wp/pl
>    something is wrong with unicode or characters encoding?

The dot is the default local separator and the slash is the usual IMAP
separator. When translated back to the remote name, the local separators
are updated to the remote separators. Hence, each dot becomes a slash
when synced back on remote.

The separator character is highly discouraged and not supported in the
folder names when using nametrans with reversed nametrans rules.
Offlineimap has no way to know it's the literal char as-is or the
separator char that must be translated.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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